rabssm / Radiometer

Radiometer/SQM using Adafruit TSL2591 digital light sensor
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Request to change data file naming #1

Open rabssm opened 1 year ago

rabssm commented 1 year ago

Currently, data files are named by the date of the data, so all data recorded between midnight and the next midnight (UT) are recorded to a single file e.g. R20230328.csv

Request is to keep the initial filename (given by the start date and time) over the entire capture period, like the folder name in the Global Meteor Network software RMS.

Example filenames showing UTC start times of data files, which would persist for the entire capture period until twilight the next morning:

R20230328_192319.csv R_GAIN_MED_20230328_181142.csv

rabssm commented 1 year ago

I need to think about how best to do this file naming. For the lux meter, I am not sure how we define "capture period", as it will vary depending on which gain setting is used. Low gain will capture all day and night, and med gain readings will normally start an hour or more before max gain readings. There is also a chance that med gain readings may start in the middle of the day if there are very dark conditions, and this could then lead to a situation where we have multiple data files with the same date but different times.

I could add code to check for twilight times as RMS does, but that adds another level of complexity, and would require knowledge of lat/long location.