rabuchaim / geoip2fast

GeoIP2Fast is the fastest GeoIP2 country/city/asn lookup library. A search takes less than 0.00003 seconds. It has its own data file updated twice a week with Maxmind-Geolite2-CSV and is Pure Python!
MIT License
34 stars 3 forks source link

Bad traceback #10

Closed Blissbill closed 2 weeks ago

Blissbill commented 1 month ago

Hi I am using your package in my django project. When importing from geoip2fast import GeoIP2Fast you set sys.tracebacklimit = 0, which causes errors in some djnago calls. For example, the debug page stops displaying. This causes discomfort. Could you please fix it? I'm using a temporary solution of sys.tracebacklimit = None after importing your package, but it seems too dirty.

rabuchaim commented 1 month ago

Hi Blissbill!

Thank you for your comment.. I will remove this line from the next versions, it is unnecessary.

Blissbill commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the quick response Can you tell me when to expect the next version?

rabuchaim commented 1 month ago

Well... maybe this week. Last week I added some new things to the code and I'm going to remove this line and test everything properly.

I was working on a new file structure (https://github.com/rabuchaim/geoip2fast/issues/8) that takes up much less memory, but I lost all the code... I had my laptops and backup hard drives stolen, I had I had to rewrite a lot of codes for my work and I was quite busy and didn't update GeoIP2Fast as I would have liked.

There are new things that I want to launch in the next few days... I also made a version that accepts MMDB files and I'm thinking about how to launch... maybe a "GeoIP2Fast for MMDB". And I also made the GeoIP2Fast Server that accepts dat.gz and any MMDB file (displays latitude and longitude). It was really cool, fast and very stable (0.0001 + Network Latency), with rate limit, DoS protection, and completely customizable. I'm testing it thoroughly to be able to release it. Here's a preview of it.

01-abuchaim-2024-06-05 15_11_10

02-abuchaim-2024-06-05 15_29_46

03-abuchaim-2024-06-05 15_20_56

04-abuchaim-2024-06-05 15_24_15

Blissbill commented 1 month ago

It's really sad that stuff was stolen. Your work looks really cool. Looking forward to the next release.

rabuchaim commented 2 weeks ago


Sorry for the delay, the new version is now available with the removal of the sys.tracebacklimit line.


Please let me know if there are any problems.

-- Ricardo

rabuchaim commented 2 weeks ago

Done! https://pypi.org/project/geoip2fast/1.2.2/