racavi / google-oauth2-sveltekit-client

This repository provides a SvelteKit app integrating Google OAuth 2.0 Authorization code flow.
MIT License
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Question about the static/private values? #1

Open JimNayzium opened 1 month ago

JimNayzium commented 1 month ago

I am a bit confused as to what I put in the /static/private values for


And obviously the names make it self explanatory, but I apologize for being such an idiot and not knowing what to do? hahaha. I have pulled my hair out looking for the simple equivalent in sveltekit for how to do the simplest of google logins like I do with PHP and Laravel and just feel so dumb!

Your github felt like the simplest way home, but I got stuck here.

Are these what you mean? Please let me know and feel free to make fun of my dumb a**! 😄

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=MY_GOOGLE_ID_URL_HERE.apps.googleusercontent.com GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=MY_CLIENT_SECRET GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI=http://local.development.com/api/login/google/callback

racavi commented 1 month ago

Hello @JimNayzium ,

Thank you for giving a try to this repo!


First of all, this repo is just half of the equation. It's assumed that you have a running instance of google-oauth2-express-server and that it is accessible from this google-oauth2-sveltekit-client web application via networking (TCP, IP, DNS).


Create the file app/.env (it must be sibling of package.json) and enter the following:



The latter environment variables must be provided to the backend (google-oauth2-express-server) in order let it use them while operating. You are also expected to create an app/.env file to supply the following values:



I am a bit confused as to what I put in the /static/private values for

Don't worry: The /static/private 'thing' is SvelteKit notation its used to inject private environment variables values into your application to later user them in your running instance. You are only expected to provide each application/repo with a .env file of your own. This .env file is expected to live within each repo app/ subdirectory. Whenever every value is OK, the system will be operational ;-)

Are these what you mean? Please let me know and feel free to make fun of my dumb a**! 😄

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=MY_GOOGLE_ID_URL_HERE.apps.googleusercontent.com GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=MY_CLIENT_SECRET GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI=http://local.development.com/api/login/google/callback

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET are both taken from your Google Cloud Credentials Page (Create credentials > OAuth client ID)


MY_GOOGLE_ID_URL_HERE: Take the value from your "Google Cloud Credentials Page / OAuth 2.0 Client ID / YOUR_CLIENT / CLIENT_ID"


MY_CLIENT_SECRET: Take the value from your "Google Cloud Credentials Page / OAuth 2.0 Client ID / YOUR_CLIENT / Client Secrets"


The last one is a little trickier =)

Refers to this system public API endpoint URL responsible of handling Google OAuth2 authorization response (Step 4: Handle the OAuth 2.0 server response).

As the backend can run on other network or in an public blocked port by a firewall, it's this google-oauth2-sveltekit-client the application that will be acting as the public face of the system thus serving as a front end web application.

This SvelteKit application uses routes to pages alongside API routes. One of such API routes is the one that Google will invoke after the OAuth2 flow handshake whether the user accepts or rejects the scopes prompted by our system.

As the frontend is merely a kind face to the public and delegates the business logic to the backend, when it is necessary integrating with external systems an API route is exposed to act as a bridge between the public internet and the backend.

So that you must forge this value with your frontend hostname (by default http://localhost:5173) appending the oauth2callback API route (by default: /api/v1/auth/google/oauth2callback living at app/src/routes/). That will give you: http://localhost:5173/api/v1/auth/google/oauth2callback


Hope to have helped you and you get the system running. Anyway, don't hesitate, I'll always try give a hand when possible ;-)


racavi commented 1 month ago

Hello @JimNayzium Did you manage to solve your configuration issue?