racer-rust / emacs-racer

Racer support for Emacs
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Consider dropping ': Function' from completion tooltips #45

Open Wilfred opened 7 years ago

Wilfred commented 7 years ago

As discussed in #38, they make things more verbose without really adding any value.

We could make this configurable, but currently I think removing them altogether would be better.

Wilfred commented 7 years ago

Whilst values are easily distinguished from functions, arguably Traits are less obvious.

ane commented 7 years ago

We could perhaps do a major reformating and opt for a more concise syntax without the type annotations? Perhaps prefix all the annotation results with <KIND>, where KIND is

Kind Description
trait trait
func function
struct struct
mod module
field (structname) struct field

and so on, so we could have something like

| trait  foo                 |
| func   furp(i: i32) -> u64 |
| mod    fmt                 |
| struct foobars             |
| field  foo (foobars)       |

the prefix annotation would be coloured differently so that it doesn't stand out, e.g. see the <f> bit in https://files.gitter.im/syl20bnr/spacemacs/82pN/blob. It would also be space-filled so they are aligned equally.