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System Overview #17

Open drewdrew122 opened 5 years ago

drewdrew122 commented 5 years ago

I am looking for a web based system that will replace a pdf document (see attached file) that has been in use for years. The pdf document is used by the Washington DC Sound Control team for recording sound levels of the race cars competing at the SCCA racing events at Summit Point Raceway in West Virginia. Below is a description of a typical race event weekend and what the Sound Control team does

The event will start on Saturday morning with qualifying for each of the separate race groups. These sessions are about 15 minutes each. There is usually from 8 to 10 groups per weekend which will be on the track for three separate sessions (two qualifying, and one race session). The maximum number of cars per group by rule is 50, usually we will have between 20 and 40.

At the beginning of the session the team will pull up a blank pdf document and fill out all the event and weather information (top and bottom of the form). Usually the form has been prefilled a couple days earlier with the the entries registered online. The form occupies one half of the computer monitor. The other half of the monitor has the live timing and scoring results.

When the cars have taken the green flag and have separated enough, the sound team will start recording the readings. We write down the car class and all recorded readings for all cars participating. Cars are monitored on each lap of the event, and multiple readings will be recorded for any participating car during the session. We have recorded up to 10 separate readings for a car per session, usually we fill up the available space on the form then give up. When the session is done, the results are saved to the form, and the form is printed to a printer at Timing and Scoring. This is repeated for the two Saturday qualifying sessions (morning and afternoon) and the race on Sunday. So for any given race weekend we car record up to 30 or so separate sessions and as many separate PDF forms.

Official Sound Report JR1 FILLABLE PDF with extended rights and buttons 2015(1).pdf

mcmillanator commented 5 years ago

Capturing notes based on our phone call:

Cars can have the same number in the same class group and session Data that remains the same: Event - Track, Region, Site Cert Date, Meter Factory Calibration Date, Microphone Location Group - Car classes Session - Each session is unique The readings table should be sorted by car number and change dynamically as readings are entered at the bottom of the page.

Nice to have: Pre-populate each session with the event and group information. A group can change between sessions as long as the previous session(s) are not affected.

Possible future enhancements: CSV import for populating the group Maybe save cars & drivers to the database so that cars & drivers which participate in multiple events can be added to the event and groups from a menu.

mcmillanator commented 5 years ago

I'm calling MVP done, but it's more like Minimal Viable Function. This is more or less what I had in mind though. I still have tests to write, but wanted to get something test worthy out first. Feel free to begin testing things from you end and let me know of the problems you find. I didn't intend to do anything for UI until I had gotten this far, so expect the UI to change. The names of input fields and labels should remain the same.

mcmillanator commented 5 years ago

@drewdrew122 I've left the issues open so that you can go through and verify everything. Please close the issues as you verify them, and feel free to comment on any remaining issues.