rachartier / tiny-inline-diagnostic.nvim

A Neovim plugin that display prettier diagnostic messages. Display one line diagnostic messages where the cursor is, with icons and colors.
MIT License
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Question: what would the setup look like to simply copy the system highlights #1

Open mblarsen opened 2 weeks ago

mblarsen commented 2 weeks ago

E.g. to use the same red on dark instead of the blended version on the right


(ps I'm only showing both to be able to explain my questions)

rachartier commented 2 weeks ago


You maybe need to tweak hi.background and set it to your current background color. And by playing with blend.factor, you should be able to have the same colors as the left one.

But be careful of how you load your theme. You need to load your theme in first, before the plugin.

mblarsen commented 2 weeks ago

There is no option not to blend in case I just want to use my existing Highlights as is? (seems like a good default too)

rachartier commented 2 weeks ago

That's already what I do. I just take highlights from Diagnostic[Error,Warn,Info,Hint], and blend the background.

So that's why you need to load the plugin after you made any change to these highlights !