rackerlabs / atom-hopper

ATOM Hopper - The Java ATOMpub Server
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B-51009: add Around Advice that knows how to retry connection failures from Postgres/Tomcat JDBC connection pool #251

Closed shintasmith closed 11 years ago

shintasmith commented 11 years ago

This PR adds an Around Advice that can be used with the Atom Hopper JDBC adapter.

The main use case I would like to solve with this Advice is this:

Another common use case that other people are more likely to experience is this:

This Advice only works when you use Atom Hopper JDBC adapter (in adapter/jdbc directory). It relies on the fact that this Atom Hopper JDBC adapter uses Spring's org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.

Adding this Advice, does introduce the AspectJ jar files (3 of them: aspectrt, aspectj weaver, and cglib) into the atomhopper.war. Performance tests will be done later to verify if there are huge performance impacts with the AspectJ library. Since the use of this Advice is done from configuration, we can easily back out from using it.

To use this Advice, you will need to add something like this in the application-context.xml file:

  <bean id="jdbcRetryOnFailureAdvice" class="org.atomhopper.jdbc.adapter.JdbcRetryOnFailureAdvice">
      <property name="maxRetriesOnConnDrop" value="5"/>
      <property name="retryWaitInMillis" value="5000"/>
      <property name="sqlStatesToRetry" value="08003 08001 57P01"/>

  <aop:config proxy-target-class="true">
      <aop:aspect id="jdbcRetryOnUpdate" ref="jdbcRetryOnFailureAdvice">
          <aop:pointcut id="retryUpdatePointCut"
                        expression="execution(* org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.update(..))"/>
          <aop:around   pointcut-ref="retryUpdatePointCut"
      <aop:aspect id="jdbcRetryOnQuery" ref="jdbcRetryOnFailureAdvice">
          <aop:pointcut id="retryQueryPointCut"
                        expression="execution(* org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.query(..))"/>
          <aop:around   pointcut-ref="retryQueryPointCut"

The JdbcRetryOnFailureAdvice class has the following properties:

In the above examples, the Around Advice is configured to surround the JdbcTemplate.update() and JdbcTemplate.query() method calls.

shintasmith commented 11 years ago

I should also add that I looked into Tomcat's JDBC connection pool's testOnBorrow and testOnReturn configuration. Although, these properties address the issue of application getting "invalid" or "closed" connections, they do not always work for the use cases I mentioned above. These properties only guarantee that connections are good when they are taken out from the Connection Pool and returned. It is still possible connections are severed after application code fetches a connection from the Connection Pool, in which case you still do need to put try-catch around your JdbcTemplate calls.

I also explored creating custom Tomcat JDBC Interceptors. Those also do not work for me for the same reasons.