rackerlabs / canon

A front-end framework for fast & consistent development of Rackspace UIs.
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Changed rs-detail-key to not float but be an inline-block #109

Closed brianhartsock closed 9 years ago

brianhartsock commented 9 years ago

This might be terrible, seems to work in Firefox and Chrome. Need to test in IE.

brianhartsock commented 9 years ago

@j00k @bradgignac is this a terrible idea? Just throwing it out there.

bradgignac commented 9 years ago

Can you explain why?

bradgignac commented 9 years ago

One note - you end up losing precise control over spacing with inline block because white space in the HTML has width for inline styles. In the past, we've been burnt by inline styles so I'm a little weary to use it here.

brianhartsock commented 9 years ago

@bradgignac ok. any idea how we should fix 0 height when rs-details-value is empty? That's the problem I was trying to solve for.

bradgignac commented 9 years ago

I'm not aware of the issue. Screenshot?

brianhartsock commented 9 years ago


bradgignac commented 9 years ago

Can you just add a clearfix class to the DIV that wrapper this content? That's standard practice anywhere floats are used.

brianhartsock commented 9 years ago

@bradgignac thanks for your help. Found out reach is overriding 'content: ""' on the ::before and ::after pseudo elements. Will fix there.