rackerlabs / canon

A front-end framework for fast & consistent development of Rackspace UIs.
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Changes utility nav link color to #ccc #112

Closed araiford closed 9 years ago

araiford commented 9 years ago

Changing header link colors to accessibility minimum contrast.

bradgignac commented 9 years ago

Rekicked the build.

bradgignac commented 9 years ago

We've talked about removing the anti-aliasing from the utility navigation based on a few complaints. Mind taking a look as part of this?

araiford commented 9 years ago

@bradgignac - Sorry - I forgot this was out here. I will take a look at the anti-aliasing too.

The sauce labs test was failing on my box and I assumed that it's because I'm on a Retina. Working on running it on my non-retina box.

bradgignac commented 9 years ago

It shouldn't have anything to do with Retina because it isn't running anything off your local machine. Appears to be a strange issue with Sauce Labs. I'll see if I can figure out the issue.

bradgignac commented 9 years ago

@araiford I'm getting builds working on a different branch. Can you try rebasing off master and pushing this branch again?