rackerlabs / canon

A front-end framework for fast & consistent development of Rackspace UIs.
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Redesigned Canon Buttons #120

Open mazzifer opened 9 years ago

mazzifer commented 9 years ago

go straight to buttons: https://github.com/racker/reach/issues/8357#issuecomment-29783382

see live demo http://jsfiddle.net/johnsoniscool/KR9t9/

Intended Outcome

summary: Big companies' buttons not as flat (more gradient) than front-end/smaller companies framework buttons.

Flat vs Gradient (not flat)

Flat Button Pro/Cons


mazzifer commented 9 years ago

Neue button proposal

demo link http://jsfiddle.net/johnsoniscool/KR9t9/

red for login page button only, blue for interfaces (use seldomly)

small buttons, disabled state buttons coming soon


Height: 30px and 36px

All buttons on all modern web interfaces are 30px in height (as seen in the comment above). 36px is also about standard extra-large size for the web. "Small" is somewhere around 22-24px in height.

Border-radius: 3px

CSS's border-radius over 5px in many cases has some glitch that can be fixed with using a div element or different color themes. http://tanalin.com/en/blog/2011/08/border-radius-rendering/

Gradient, but flat; Flat, but gradient.

Straight up "flat" buttons rely on strong color hues and big buttons with wide padding. That's not going to work with the Canon layouts, as the Canon layout patterns are denser in layout, therefore would contrast in a harsh way with big ol' flat buttons. Strong bottom shadows don't work well neither:

mazzifer commented 9 years ago

live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/johnsoniscool/KR9t9/

mazzifer commented 9 years ago

This issue was moved here from Reach Github - https://github.com/racker/reach/issues/8357#issuecomment-29783382