rackerlabs / canon

A front-end framework for fast & consistent development of Rackspace UIs.
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Replace compass #150

Closed eddywashere closed 9 years ago

eddywashere commented 9 years ago

Hoping this optimizes the experience of getting canon up and running. Also, reduce dependencies for this project.

brianhartsock commented 9 years ago


eddywashere commented 9 years ago

For people using canon & dependent on ruby compass mixins, consider using a compass fallback, https://github.com/Igosuki/compass-mixins. This will greatly reduce the amount of change required to upgrade. Make sure to use version 0.12.7. The only mixin not working is @include background-image, but you can replace it with just @include background

bower install compass-mixins#0.12.7

add include paths

includePaths: ['./bower_components/compass-mixins/lib']

Then import compass in your custom .scss file, @import "/compass";

eddywashere commented 9 years ago

If anyone wants to give this a go, I added a branch to canon-bower at https://github.com/rackerlabs/canon-bower/tree/libsass

bower ex:

bower install canon#libsass --save
eddywashere commented 9 years ago

fyi, this works with ruby compass. Just be sure to update font/image paths in compass config and copy over the following files. Assuming canon.css is put in the root /dist directory

## just an example of what copying should look like
'bower_components/canon/images/*.png']: '/dist'

['bower_components/canon/fonts/*']: '/dist/fonts'
bradgignac commented 9 years ago
