rackerlabs / canon

A front-end framework for fast & consistent development of Rackspace UIs.
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min-height for .rs-main.rs-panel sections #90

Closed thedodd closed 9 years ago

thedodd commented 10 years ago

.rs-main.rs-panel sections with a help sidebar (pulled right) would look significantly better if they had a minimum height. Something reasonable.

In the case that the main content of the page is quite small, but the side bar has a decent bit of help text, having a minimum height would cause the appearance to be significantly improved.

Currently this is a problem because the .rs-main.rs-panel and its child rs.content.rs-panel will need to take on the same min-height otherwise it just looks like jank.

bradgignac commented 9 years ago

@TheDodd It's hard to choose reasonable min-heights that work for everyone. For this situation, we recommend setting your own min-height that is appropriate for your use case.