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ClojureBridge #1098

Closed etoews closed 9 years ago

etoews commented 9 years ago

If you preview it, the Twitter timeline doesn't display (at least it didn't for me locally). It should look like it does here. If we don't allow those sorts of scripts on the site, that's fine. You can just turn it into a link to https://twitter.com/everett_toews/timelines/577482122761502720

I'm on vacation until Monday. If you want to do some minor changes or link the timeline above so you can publish on Friday, just go for it. Push commits on top of it, cherry pick, whatever you want. Go for it.

kenperkins commented 9 years ago

I'd love to see more of a compelling title/headline. As it is I have no idea what it means.

etoews commented 9 years ago

My only commit today. On vacation now!

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