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Provide more pre-contact information #1099

Open briancurtin opened 9 years ago

briancurtin commented 9 years ago

We should have some sort of jump before putting the sdk-support email address on the front page. We've now received enough emails that should have been covered by a look through our documentation, such as how to install things, or wondering what is supported by what SDKs, or how things work.

Just like the best ticket is the one that isn't written, the same can be said for a lot of these emails. Putting together a last second roundup of information in front of the email address could cut down on some of that, and it would additionally give us a chance to help people form better questions by requesting a few pieces of information in their email.

Ideally we link to pages like /sdks, /docs, community, and anything else that might contain the info people are likely asking.

For when it does come down to needing an email, we should suggest they provide info such as operating system, programming language they're working with, SDK if they're working with one, the steps to reproduce the issue they're experiencing, and if possible, code samples that we can run ourselves to help in debugging. We may also want to link them to something like https://gist.github.com/ to drop their code sample.

briancurtin commented 9 years ago

For as bad as a lot of utility provider websites are, such as cable/internet or electric companies, they typically provide a few last ditch efforts to get information in your hands before resorting to a phone call. I think we have a lot of great info and will be creating more of it, and we should really try to put that in front of people instead of allowing the immediate bypass which is email.

rgbkrk commented 9 years ago
