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Added authentication variable info to each service #1133

Closed mdarby closed 9 years ago

mdarby commented 9 years ago

From Trello card: https://trello.com/c/A8HSRv7W

I've added this blurb to all services so that users may quickly have access to instructions concerning their username/apikey/region

rackspace developer center 2015-05-11 13-10-35

rgbkrk commented 9 years ago

This seems like a good area where we should have a portion of this expand so a reader of multiple pages isn't having to skim through the same bits every time but a new reader can click to show a bit more on the same page.

That being said, this is well done and doesn't add too much to the current text. It also kills a lot of the repeated text everywhere using the includes. :tada:

Do I have to be pedantic and tell you to target dev? I'd rather just :shipit: and move forward.

mdarby commented 9 years ago

dev branch should be used only for code (html, js, css, etc.) changes and infrastructure automation changes PRs.

PRs against master should only be for docs, blog posts or other text content.


rgbkrk commented 9 years ago

Well look at you Mr. CONTRIBUTING.md

OMG, your initials are md... MD... Markdown!!!!

mdarby commented 9 years ago

:heart: :shipit:

rgbkrk commented 9 years ago

Oops, these deleted .. include:: samples/authentication.rst, which made each example lose their respective setup instructions for the section.

kenperkins commented 9 years ago

see #1136 for the new issue.