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Add os-ansible-deployment review process post #1147

Closed sigmavirus24 closed 9 years ago

sigmavirus24 commented 9 years ago

This blog post aims to describe the workflow that I and others on the Private Cloud team use to integrate os-ansible-deployment into our everyday upstream review activities.

author(s) mini bio, soft capped to 75 words

Ian Cordasco is a core developer of requests, twine, flake8, and other popular open source Python libraries as well as a core reviewer and driver for OpenStack's Glance and Hacking projects. As a member of the Rackspace Private Cloud Development team, Ian works on os-ansible-deployment and upstream OpenStack projects.

author(s) social media contact info

GitHub - https://github.com/sigmavirus24 Freenode - sigmavirus24 Twitter - @sigmavirus24

accept/decline to allow redaction, editing or structure changes by technical writer staff


desired date of publishing

31 May 2015

rgbkrk commented 9 years ago

Hey you!

rgbkrk commented 9 years ago

You want to publish this on Sunday? @catlook will review it tomorrow and we can probably ship it then too.

sigmavirus24 commented 9 years ago

Tomorrow works. I thought Monday was the 31st but my calendaring is probably off

sigmavirus24 commented 9 years ago

@catlook All comments are addressed thus far.

@rgbkrk If this is going to be published today, should I change the file name and metadata to today's date?

sigmavirus24 commented 9 years ago

I'll update this in case it gets published today. If it doesn't, we can push it off until Monday.

rgbkrk commented 9 years ago

:shipit: from a(n) :airplane: