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XML elimination blogpost #1154

Closed ostackbrian closed 9 years ago

ostackbrian commented 9 years ago

bio: Brian Rosmaita is a software developer on the Rackspace team that works on Cloud Servers and Cloud Images (that's Nova and Glance in OpenStack language). Upstream at OpenStack, he's a driver for the Glance and Searchlight teams. You can find him on Freenode as rosmaita. Use @br14nr if you want to tweet at him.


I accept redaction, editing or structure changes by technical writer staff

desired publication date: June 9, 2015

rgbkrk commented 9 years ago

I'm all for the death of XML.

ostackbrian commented 9 years ago

@rgbkrk I'm happy to do my part!

rgbkrk commented 9 years ago

Care to synchronize :shipit: @smashwilson ?