rackerlabs / lambda-uploader

Helps package and upload Python lambda functions to AWS
Apache License 2.0
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Issue building package #154

Open ElliotP123 opened 6 years ago

ElliotP123 commented 6 years ago


I'm new to lambda functions and found this, it's an amazing tool. I just pip installed the latest version of lambda-uploader but I'm having trouble getting it to build the package.

I have saved my function.py (FundamentalHistorical.py -> Actual Name) at the root of the directory as well as my lambda.json file.

My lambda.json file is (edited out iam number): { "name": "FundamentalHistoricalAustralia", "description": "It does things", "region": "ap-southeast-2", "runtime": "python3.6", "handler": "FundamentalHistoricalAustralia.lambda_handler", "role": "arn:aws:iam::85563:role/service-role/Admin", "requirements": ["pandas", "requests", "symtable", "datetime", "pyodbc", "sqlalchemy"], "ignore": [ "circle\\.yml$", "\\.git$", "/.*\\.pyc$" ], "timeout": 300, "memory": 512, "vpc": { "subnets": [ "subnet-00000000" ], "security_groups": [ "sg-00000000" ] }, "tracing": { "Mode": "Active" } }

This is the error it's now showing: `(base) C:\Users\Elliot Parker>lambda-uploader ./ Building Package �️ Unexpected error. Please report this traceback. Uploader: 1.2.0 Botocore: 1.6.19 Boto3: 1.9.19

Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\site-packages\lambda_uploader\shell.py", line 1 93, in main _execute(args) File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\site-packages\lambda_uploader\shell.py", line 8 4, in _execute venv, cfg.ignore, extra_files) File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\site-packages\lambda_uploader\package.py", line 49, in build_package pkg.build(ignore) File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\site-packages\lambda_uploader\package.py", line 75, in build self._prepare_workspace() File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\site-packages\lambda_uploader\package.py", line 161, in _prepare_workspace self.clean_workspace() File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\site-packages\lambda_uploader\package.py", line 82, in clean_workspace shutil.rmtree(self._temp_workspace) File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\shutil.py", line 494, in rmtree return _rmtree_unsafe(path, onerror) File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\shutil.py", line 384, in _rmtree_unsafe _rmtree_unsafe(fullname, onerror) File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\shutil.py", line 389, in _rmtree_unsafe onerror(os.unlink, fullname, sys.exc_info()) File "d:\programs\anaconda\lib\shutil.py", line 387, in _rmtree_unsafe os.unlink(fullname) PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\Users\Elliot Parker\.lamb da_uploader_temp\lambda_package\hwid' `

I'm running the anaconda window with administrator privileges so I'm not sure now why there is an issue. Before the issue was that it was saying my lambda.json file was not a valid configuration file.


ElliotP123 commented 6 years ago

I seem to have solved it, but pandas is going well over the size limits.