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GUI issues in Pantheon #126

Open jasonphi opened 7 years ago

jasonphi commented 7 years ago

Using Pantheon DE, a number of Dr Racket windows are broken. The most significant window being the "Choose Language" dialog, making Dr Racket very difficult to use. Another user had a similar experience on Reddit (though I could not find any other issues filed)

drracket splash

drracket choose language

redtrumpet commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem.

This can be fixed, by disabling GTK client side decoration, e.g. opening DrRacket, by doing


in a terminal or a start script.

But this workaround is not really user friendly and the problem should still be considered a bug.

spdegabrielle commented 6 years ago

Is Pantheon the window manager on ArchLinux?

spdegabrielle commented 6 years ago

Hi @jasonphi / @redtrumpet First let me start by saying I'm not part of the racket team so I'm not speaking on their behalf. If this is an important issue for you that you would like to resolve quickly my suggestion is to look through the racket github repository for the scripts that build the start script for arch linux, and submit a pull request to add the fix that @redtrumpet identified GTK_CSD=""

HTH Stephen

redtrumpet commented 6 years ago


Is Pantheon the window manager on ArchLinux?

I don't think so, it's the window manager / desktop environment of elementary OS. I'm no Arch expert, but if I understand Arch correctly, it does not have a canonical window manager, but you can install whatever you like.

I'm in no need for a quick fix, as I don't really use DrRacket. I just wanted to try installing it (used it a few years ago in school), and run into this issue. I thought it was worth reporting my fix.

I also don't know if GTK_CSD="" breaks some things on other systems / desktop environments, so it might not be safe changing the build scripts? But I'm just guessing...

rajkumaar23 commented 3 years ago

This issue still exists and I would love to see if this gets fixed :/

I'm not even able to close the application :( image

Nevertheless, I found a temp fix
