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Remove Unused Requires can't remove only-in if differently only-in is used #133

Open florence opened 7 years ago

florence commented 7 years ago


#lang racket/base
  (only-in racket/list first)
  (only-in racket/list rest))
(rest (list 1 2))

The refactoring cannot remove (only-in racket/list first) (and it is not highlighted red).

florence commented 7 years ago

Related, in:

#lang racket/base
  (only-in racket/list first rest))
(rest (list 1 2))

it also cannot remove the first.

dfeltey commented 7 years ago

Here's another related issue:

#lang racket

(require (prefix-in raw: (only-in racket vector-ref)))

(require (prefix-in raw: (only-in racket first)))

This highlights the first require red, but it shouldn't.