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Autosave deletes saved file #266

Open laszlokorte opened 5 years ago

laszlokorte commented 5 years ago

OS: Windows 10 DrRacket 7.1 (not sure)

Sometimes DrRacket crashes while editing a file. Afterwards the file is completely gone even though it has been saved before. This happened multiple time on a computer of a friend of mine who is currently learning programming using racket.

Currently all I have is this photo of the stack trace preseneted after the crash: f7252664-fdd8-4758-94df-ca9e5e67b451

It's really frustrating to lose many hours of work, especially while still learning and not yet familliar with version controll systems etc.

rfindler commented 5 years ago

That is frustrating indeed.

Is your friend trying to save the file in a directory where they do not have write permission?

laszlokorte commented 5 years ago

Well the file already had been saved. In this particular case the File has been saved in a folder on the Desktop. It had been opened and closed multiple times during the past week. Today while she was editing the file DrRacket crashed revealing the stack trace above and afterwards the file (Abenteuerspiel.rkt) was gone (ie not in the folder on the Desktop anymore)

rfindler commented 5 years ago

can you translate the line that follows "system error:" please?

laszlokorte commented 5 years ago

"The system can not find the specified file"

rfindler commented 5 years ago


Looking at the stack trace, it seems like these errors are from an attempt to restore a backup file that was deleted. It isn't clear how or why it was deleted, and it isn't clear how we got into the place described in the initial message in the PR either.