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Catalina dialogs missing last word on many lines #335

Closed jbclements closed 4 years ago

jbclements commented 4 years ago

Under Catalina, it looks like there's a serious problem where the last line on each line of text in a dialog is silently swallowed. I wasn't sure whether this problem affected other people, but I discovered in the classroom today that it definitely does. This problem affects the release candidate as well as apparently 7.5.

To reproduce: 1) In Catalina, start DrRacket. 2) Hit Cmd-Q. See a dialog that says: "Are you sure you want to" 3) right-click on the dialog, and choose "Copy Message" 4) Paste the text into another editor; see the text "Are you sure you want to quit?"

This doesn't just affect the quit dialog; it appears that all of the dialog boxes coming back from the handin server are missing (or, more precisely, "invisibling") the last word in each line, so that "0 tests failed" becomes "0 tests" and "missing binding: area-cylinder" becomes just "missing binding:". Needless to say, this is causing a good deal of consternation.

Apologies if this has already been reported; I don't see an issue here, but maybe it's in a different repo.