racket / drracket

DrRacket, IDE for Racket
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submodule's origin field information doesn't get arrows in Check Syntax when using the quote-based notation #400

Closed rfindler closed 4 years ago

rfindler commented 4 years ago

In this program, there is no arrow from the require of the submodule 'm to the use of lam:

#lang racket
(module m racket
  (define-syntax (lam stx)
    (syntax-case stx []
      [(_ x b) #'(λ (x) b)]))
  (provide lam))
(require 'm)
(lam x 1)

but there is in this one:

#lang racket
(module m racket
  (define-syntax (lam stx)
    (syntax-case stx []
      [(_ x b) #'(λ (x) b)]))
  (provide lam))
(require (submod "." m))
(lam x 1)