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Setting for no cache directories #409

Closed guygastineau closed 4 years ago

guygastineau commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have some colleagues using DrRacket as their IDE while using tools I build for the team in Racket. I use Emacs, so I had never realized that DrRacket makes cache directories called compiled everywhere that it loads required source modules.

Is there a way to turn that off or to set a specific directory as the home of all cached compilations? I would prefer not adding a new rule to .gitingore. I don't mind just turning the caching off if that is the only thing to do, I just don't want the compiled directories all over the place.

Thank you for your help.

rfindler commented 4 years ago

To disable this, choose Language | Choose Language, then "Show Details..." then uncheck the checkbox labelled "Populate ....".

These compiled directories aren't only created by DrRacket however. If you ever set up a collection (via a pkg) or you use raco make (which can speed up loading your program significantly depending on the size of your code), you will find them reappearing.

guygastineau commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the quick response.

It is essentially an SDK I make for my team, and the loading times are not an issue.

guygastineau commented 4 years ago

Just to be clear, you make a compelling case for adding a rule to all .gitignore files for racket projects to handle these cache directories, so thank you for that ;)