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Cannot reclick step button in debug mode. #470

Closed benkwokcy closed 3 years ago

benkwokcy commented 3 years ago

Problem: When in debug mode, if I click "step", it will work once but the button will become unclickable (as in, it will not be highlighted and clicking on it has no effect). To re-click the button, I have to move my cursor off the button and then back to the button. Then it will work again. The same behavior happens with the "go" button.

Here is a gif showing the bug.

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Write any code in DrRacket.
  2. Enter debug mode.
  3. Set a breakpoint.
  4. Press "go" with your mouse.
  5. Press "step" with your mouse and leave the cursor on the button.
  6. Try to press "step" again.

Environment: MacOS Mojave (10.14.6) DrRacket, Version 8.0 (CS)

sorawee commented 3 years ago

IIUC, this is fixed by https://github.com/racket/gui/commit/6248904d28b8846436e81e0f1424a262d18e4d9a. Can you confirm that it's actually fixed now by trying a snapshot version (http://snapshot.racket-lang.org/)?

benkwokcy commented 3 years ago

I just tried the snapshot version and it's fixed! (for reference, I used MacOS 64-bit Intel)

sorawee commented 3 years ago

Cool! :) I will close the issue then.