racket / drracket

DrRacket, IDE for Racket
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Avoid phase+space error. #499

Closed samth closed 2 years ago

samth commented 2 years ago

Fixes http://drdr.racket-lang.org/57872/cs/racket/share/pkgs/drracket-test/tests/drracket/syncheck-test.rkt

cc @rfindler

rfindler commented 2 years ago

This doesn't really fix anything, per se. I'll merge it with a different commit message; hope that's okay.

samth commented 2 years ago

That's fine with me.

rfindler commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @samth ! Sorry to be slow here.

It also appears that won't completely quiesce drdr. Looks like something improved somewhere! (So a different test case in that file also fails.)

rfindler commented 2 years ago

Oops, I got it backwards. It actually appears to be a regression for this program:

#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(begin-for-syntax (local-require racket/list) first)

The arrow from racket/list to first went away at some point.