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Turn on line numbers by default and automatic parens, brackets, quotes #502

Closed jestarray closed 1 year ago

jestarray commented 2 years ago

Line numbers should be turn on default!

As for automatching parens, in Edit>Preferences>Editing>General Editing Some arguments were brought up that students will get confused by an autoclosing braces/quotes when they didn't type it in. I can't speak for the majority of students but only for 1 (my little brother) who has 0 programming experience and he's doing fine with it. If any of you guys are teachers, try teaching a semester with it on and see if there are any issues.

Plane on the discord says: i think it is probably better too i took a quick look back to 2010 when line numbers were added by Jon Rafkind

rfindler commented 2 years ago

Which preference do you mean exactly? Do you mean "Enable automatic parentheses, ...."? If so, I'd prefer not to turn that one on by default but would welcome suggestions to make it more discoverable.

shhyou commented 2 years ago

It's nice to have line numbers on by default!

@jestarray FWIW, there's a related paren setting that automatically converts opening parentheses and closing parenthesis to square brackets depending on the convention (e.g. (let ([....]) ...) and (cond [...] [...])). Not sure which one you have in mind.

jestarray commented 2 years ago

@rfindler thanks! Yes, "Enable automatic parens" is debatable as to whether or not it should be on by default, BUT I'm glad we agree that line numbers should be on by default since those who find it too much visual clutter will instantly look to turn it off, and in presentations/teaching/debugging scenarios it's more beneficial to have them on.

You can close this issue now unless you want to keep it open for discussion as to whether or not Auto parens should be default on as well.