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Type tooltips show up in untyped file #530

Closed bdeket closed 1 year ago

bdeket commented 2 years ago

Using: Welcome to DrRacket, version [3m]

When hovering over the code, wrong type information is displayed. Minimal example: test mouse position shown with arrow. The type-tooltip information is the same as if hovering over the last parenthesis of the struct form in the typed file.

In my working code, sometimes different letters of the same variable give different types. The current file is in #lang racket/base and it has an inderect dependency on a typed file.

bdeket commented 1 year ago

I don't know what changed, but this is not happening anymore. So closing. (I checked with version [3m] where it is solved and with version [3m] where it is still happening but only with slightly different programs:

#lang typed/racket/base

(provide (all-defined-out))
(struct test ([a : Real]
              [b : (List Symbol)]))
(define a test)

#lang racket/base

(require "typed.rkt")

(define (something b)
                  (list b))

at the location of the final g of something )