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use the regular rackunit #545

Closed capfredf closed 2 years ago

capfredf commented 2 years ago

Found by running tests against changes that enable syntax location for typed rackunit:

2022-01-20T16:41:00.3310133Z raco setup: --- summary of errors ---                              [16:41:00]
2022-01-20T16:41:00.3311127Z raco setup:   /github/home/racketdist-current-CS/share/pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/tooltip.rkt:221:2: Type Checker: Macro check-equal? from typed module used in untyped code
2022-01-20T16:41:00.3311894Z raco setup:     in: (check-equal? (strings->strings+spacers (quote ())) (quote ()))
2022-01-20T16:41:00.3312711Z raco setup:     compiling: <pkgs>/drracket/drracket/private/tooltip.rkt
2022-01-20T16:41:00.3319483Z raco pkg install: packages installed, although setup reported errors
2022-01-20T16:41:00.3880671Z ##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.

we can fix the problem on our end, ~but I don't see why typed/rackunit was used here.~ [Edit]: this file used to be typed

capfredf commented 2 years ago

ping @rfindler

rfindler commented 2 years ago

What do you think @samth ?

samth commented 2 years ago

There's no reason for that file to use typed/rackunit -- it's not written in Typed Racket any more.

capfredf commented 2 years ago

Sorry to ping @rfindler again

rfindler commented 2 years ago

Oh, sorry @capfredf ! Thanks for pinging me again.