racket / drracket

DrRacket, IDE for Racket
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Text is not displayed until you click on it in Help→About #577

Closed rrthomas closed 1 year ago

rrthomas commented 1 year ago

Tested with Racket 8.5 from the PPA on Ubuntu 22.04 with a GNOME desktop running with dark theme. Screenshot attached after a few random clicks in the window to show some lines of text drawn.

Screenshot from 2022-08-19 16-39-41

To clarify: when the window is first opened, no text is visible. Each time I click in the window (or click+drag), the line of text at that position is drawn (or drawn and highlighted, respectively).

sorawee commented 1 year ago

It affects Mac OS too (I have seen this issue for a while now but keep forgetting to report)

rrthomas commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick fix, @rfindler!