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Binding arrow when an identifier comes from another file #579

Closed sorawee closed 1 year ago

sorawee commented 1 year ago

Consider files a.rkt and b.rkt

;; a.rkt
#lang racket

(provide smuggled-id)

(define-syntax smuggled-id #'foo)
;; b.rkt
#lang racket

;provide smuggled-id)

;define-syntax smuggled-id #'foo)

(require "a.rkt")

(define-syntax (mac stx)
  #`(let ([#,(syntax-local-introduce (syntax-local-value #'smuggled-id))


Hovering over foo in b.rkt will show "no bound occurrences", despite the fact that this foo is a comment.

sorawee commented 1 year ago

lol looks like this is fixed this morning! Closing.