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Issue with plt:framework-pref:drracket:most-recent-lang-line #581

Open sorawee opened 1 year ago

sorawee commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set plt:framework-pref:drracket:most-recent-lang-line to #lang r6rs and close DrRacket. E.g. by creating a new buffer, change the lang line, save it to a file, and close DrRacket.
  2. Open DrRacket. #lang r6rs should be loaded by default, with an error
    r6rs: must contain a `library' form (for a library) or start with `import' (for a top-level program) in: (#%module-begin)
  3. Open any other file that is not a #lang r6rs. The error about
    r6rs: must contain a `library' form (for a library) or start with `import' (for a top-level program) in: (#%module-begin)

    persists, and incorrectly highlighted in this file.