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DrRacket very slow for text editing after new installation #609

Closed spdegabrielle closed 1 year ago

spdegabrielle commented 1 year ago

DrRacket very slow for text editing after new installation. I persisted and it got back to being its snappy self.

I have a reasonable fast machine mbp/M1/32gb.

I can try to reproduce by wiping my install, installing 8.7, then reinstalling 8.8. Before I do that I've like work out how I can identify the cause. Is there a profiler I can use to get a better idea of what is happening? Maybe something else?

Any advice appreciated.


rfindler commented 1 year ago

I don't know if it will turn up anything useful but if you start DrRacket with PLTDRPROFILE turned on, you can collect profiling information about what's going on in GUI callbacks.

LiberalArtist commented 1 year ago

You didn't by any chance install using Homebrew, did you? I don't remember if the issue from this Discord thread with mtimes and/or (find-compiled-file-roots) in an --enable-origtree=no --enable-macprefix build was ever resolved.

spdegabrielle commented 1 year ago

You didn't by any chance install using Homebrew, did you? I don't remember if the issue from this Discord thread with mtimes and/or (find-compiled-file-roots) in an --enable-origtree=no --enable-macprefix build was ever resolved.

I use standard Racket from https://download.racket-lang.org/installers/8.8/racket-8.8-x86_64-macosx-cs.dmg then used raco pkg migrate 8.7 I'll take a note of what I have installed before I upgrade


I installed resyntax after raco pkg migrate 8.7 . I initially installed it in the user scope, but I don't expect that to have an impact.

I don't think the brew issue affects me but I'm going to read the thread anyway. Thanks.

spdegabrielle commented 1 year ago

unable to reproduce

  1. removed 8.8 packages
  2. uninstalled 8.8
  3. installed packages in 8.7
  4. enabled PLTDRPROFILE
  5. installed 8.8
  6. raco pkg migrate 8.7
  7. run DrRacket from command line
% /Applications/Racket\ v8.7/DrRacket.app
zsh: permission denied: /Applications/Racket v8.7/DrRacket.app
% /Applications/Racket\ v8.7/DrRacket.app/Contents/MacOS/DrRacket 
PLTDRPROFILE: installing profiler
% /Applications/Racket\ v8.8/DrRacket.app/Contents/MacOS/DrRacket

PLTDRPROFILE: installing profiler
jbclements commented 1 year ago

By the way, I had this problem myself; turned out I'd installed the x86_64 version of DrRacket, rather than the ARM version. No idea if this was your problem, but I noticed it because editing seemed very sluggish.

spdegabrielle commented 1 year ago

ROTFL @jbclements you nailed it. Yes I am running the intel version.

I have to be honest - it is quite zippy now so I assume the speed problem was an initial optimisation phase. Who knows?

It is so fast I have no need to switch to switch to the Apple Silicon version but I am anyway.

spdegabrielle commented 1 year ago

My apologies to everyone who wasted their time!