racket / drracket

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out of control memory use on rhombus/private/string.rkt #613

Open samth opened 1 year ago

samth commented 1 year ago

If I open rhombus/private/string.rkt from the rhombus-prototype repository, DrRacket quickly completes background expansion but memory use (as reported in the bottom corner) continues growing without bound (eg from 800MB to 8GB in a couple minutes). Nothing appears to be happening while this memory usage growth happens, and it hasn't happened with other Rhombus programs that I've noticed.

rfindler commented 1 year ago

I see memory use climb but then drop back down again.

samth commented 1 year ago

How high does it climb? For me I have to close the tab or eventually close DrRacket.

rfindler commented 1 year ago

Not very high! Maybe 20mb before dropping back down?

samth commented 1 year ago

Right, for me it grows by gigabytes. I wonder if I have some different configuration that might be at issue?

rfindler commented 1 year ago

The language settings can affect online expansion. It might not actually be related to online expansion, tho.

Can you get a stack trace? Perhaps control-c in the terminal window where drr is started?

samth commented 1 year ago

I think I had another file that used Rhombus open, and a change in private/string.rkt (relative to the zo version). I'm working on getting more precise reproduction instructions.