racket / gui

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(Gui control) Slider should allow dynamically set min-value and max-value #199

Open myguidingstar-zz opened 10 years ago

myguidingstar-zz commented 10 years ago

(In gui/base slider%) something like (send a-slider set-min-value new-value). I find this quite practical. Currently I have to delete the slider then recreate an other

jcmdln commented 4 years ago

This issue should likely be moved to https://github.com/racket/gui, which at the time of writing appears to be the authoritative source for #lang gui. I'm not sure if at the time this issue was originally created this was not the case, though based on the age of the issue and lack of replies this may see more interested contributors if moved to the issue tracker of the relevant repository.

MarkusReynolds1989 commented 3 years ago

A few questions here, I'm currently working on this:

  1. Would you like this pull to be for Win32 + Gtk together? I can set up a pull for each OS or keep them together.
  2. Is there someone who can help me test that this works on Mac OS? I don't have access to that environment. I will do my best to look at documentation when I hack in the change for Cocoa.
  3. If I do need to split this up, should it be a branch for each OS change?
mflatt commented 3 years ago

Keeping the platforms together in one PR sounds best. I'm happy to help check Mac OS. Thanks!

MarkusReynolds1989 commented 3 years ago

I think I got the win32 one done just now, I'll test the GTK one later when I'm home and then continue to hack on the cocoa one as best as I can and then hopefully submit a PR tonight.

MarkusReynolds1989 commented 3 years ago

Hey @mflatt do you know why I can't seem to switch packages to the one I cloned and updated on Linux? I was able to update to this cloned pkg on my windows machine and not sure what I'm doing wrong here: problem

mflatt commented 3 years ago

From that interaction, it looks like you've made a directory /home/markus/Code/racket/gui/gui-lib and installed the directory as a package (as opposed to installing a package explicitly as a Git clone). The package system doesn't know how to update a directory. Assuming that the directory is a Git checkout, you can just use git pull.

MarkusReynolds1989 commented 3 years ago

@mflatt Thank you for your help, I think I understand how it works now. I didn't realize that pkg would work as a git manager as well.