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stepper internal error #178

Closed samth closed 1 year ago

samth commented 1 year ago

The program below causes an internal error in the stepper. I haven't been able to usefully minimize it yet. The error message is:

recon-source: no matching clause for syntax: (quote-syntax ((movie-title s) ... (movie-year s) ... (movie-minutes s) ...) #:local)

The test engine report lists blank errors as the error that occurred.

If I remove everything after the "exercise 4" comment then the stepper error goes away but the test engine behavior is still weird.

; A Show is one of:
; - (make-movie String Number Number)
; - (make-sitcom String Number Number)

(define-struct movie (title year minutes))
(define-struct sitcom (series season episode))

;Here are some examples of a Show:
(define show1 (make-movie "One Cut of the Dead" 2017 97))
(define show2 (make-sitcom "Rick and Morty" 2 6))
(define show3 (make-movie "Welt am Draht" 1973 205))
(define show4 (make-sitcom "Futurama" 4 15))


(define (process-show s) 
  (cond [(movie? s)
         (...(movie-title s)...
             (movie-year s)...
             (movie-minutes s)...)]
        [(sitcom? s)
         (...(sitcom-series s)...
             (sitcom-season s)...
             (sitcom-episode s)...)]))

;show-minutes: Show -> Number
;take a show and compute minute
;(define (show-minutes m)(...m..))

;exercise 2
(check-expect (show-minutes (make-sitcom "Rick and Morty" 2 6))20)
(check-expect (show-minutes (make-movie "One Cut of the Dead" 2017 97))97)

(define (show-minutes s)
  (cond [(movie? s)
         (movie-minutes s)] 
        [(sitcom? s)20]))

;exercise 3
;show-name: Show -> String
;take the name of the show and produce a string
;(define (show-name sn)(...sn...))

(check-expect (show-name(make-movie "One Cut of the Dead" 2017 97))
                        "One Cut of the Dead (2017)")
(check-expect (show-name (make-sitcom "Rick and Morty" 2 6)) 
              "Rick and Morty S2E6")

(define (show-name sn) 
  (cond [(movie? sn)
         (string-append (movie-title sn)" "
                        "("(number->string(movie-year sn))")")] 
        [(sitcom? sn)
         (string-append (sitcom-series sn)" ""S"
                        (number->string(sitcom-season sn))
                        "E"(number->string(sitcom-episode sn)))]))

;exercise 4
; A Job is one of:
; - (make-entry Number) 
; - (make-promotion Number Job)

(define-struct entry[initial-salary])
(define-struct promotion[raise old-job])

;exercise 5
(define firstJob(make-entry 100))
(define secondJob(make-promotion 200 (make-entry 100)))
(define thirdJob(make-promotion 200
                                (make-promotion 100 (make-entry 50))))

;exercise 6
(define (process-job j)
  (cond [(entry? j)(...(entry-initial-salary j)...)]
        [(promotion? j)
         (...(promotion-raise j)
             (process-job(promotion-old-job j)))]))

;exercise 7
;salary: job -> Number
;take in a job and produce the salary of that kind of job
;(define (salary s)(...s...))

(check-expect (salary firstJob) 100)
(check-expect (salary secondJob)300)
(check-expect (salary thirdJob) 350)

(define (salary j)
  (cond [(entry? j)(entry-initial-salary j)]
        [(promotion? j)
         (+ (promotion-raise j)(salary(promotion-old-job j)))]))

;exercise 8
;pay-cut?: job -> Boolean
; take a job and see if the job receive any negative raise.

(check-expect (pay-cut? (make-entry -100))false)
(check-expect (pay-cut? (make-promotion 200
                                       (make-entry 100)))false)
(check-expect (pay-cut? (make-promotion -100
                                       (make-entry 90)))true)
(check-expect (pay-cut? (make-promotion -100
                                        (make-entry -90)))true)
(check-expect (pay-cut? (make-promotion 100
                                        (make-entry -100)))false)

(define (pay-cut? j)
  (cond [(entry? j)false]
        [(promotion? j)
           [(< (promotion-raise j) 0)true]
           [else (pay-cut?(promotion-old-job j))])]))

;exercise 9
;raise-amount is a number 
;promote: job number -> job
;take a job and a raise amount produce a new job

(check-expect (promote (make-entry 100) 100)
              (make-promotion 100
                              (make-entry 100)))

(check-expect (promote (make-promotion 100
                                       (make-entry 100))200)
              (make-promotion 200
                              (make-promotion 100 
                                              (make-entry 100))))

(check-expect (promote (make-promotion 200
                                       (make-promotion 100
                                                       (make-promotion 300
                                                                       (make-entry 100))))50)
              (make-promotion 50
                              (make-promotion 200
                                              (make-promotion 100
                                                              (make-promotion 300
                                                                              (make-entry 100))))))

(check-expect (promote (make-entry 100)0)
              (make-promotion 0
                              (make-entry 100)))

(define (promote j n)
  (cond [(entry? j)(make-promotion n (make-entry(entry-initial-salary j)))]
        [(promotion? j)
        (make-promotion n(promote(promotion-old-job j)(promotion-raise j)))]))     
samth commented 1 year ago

Error originally reported by one of @ccshan's students.

sorawee commented 1 year ago

Related: #168

ccshan commented 1 year ago

Error originally reported by one of @ccshan's students.

(namely Jack Huynh)