racket / racket-pkg-website

A frontend for the Racket Package Catalog.
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Integration testing? #45

Open jackfirth opened 7 years ago

jackfirth commented 7 years ago

I'm interested in implementing #44, but beforehand I'd like some integration tests of the current non-HTML API to ensure I don't break things. I could likely whip something up with Docker where the server is started with a local S3 using Minio. Would that be a welcome addition here? What else do you think it would take to make it work?

jeapostrophe commented 7 years ago

I think it would be a good idea to build that and it would be welcome.

My guess is that it would be pretty painful to do.

I think that tag-admins are not so hard to do though, because there's already code for the super-users (curation) and this is just a slight modification of that.

tonyg commented 7 years ago

You may not need a local S3; for development, I abstracted over the static-rendering storage backend, though it's still pretty messy. See the "Configuration" section of the README for pkg-index for clues and hints. Then, look at my development config for more clues and hints. It's hairy to set up, I'm very sorry.

The racket-pkg-website frontend has configuration settings that can be made to line up with those from pkg-index, but again, I'm sorry, it's all a bit of a trapeze-act.

The live setup is documented here.