racket / readline-gpl

GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 4 forks source link

Removal doesn't undo the activation thing #1

Closed tonyg closed 9 years ago

tonyg commented 9 years ago

So yesterday I fired up racket repl and was greeted with the warning that I wouldn't be getting any readline support. Fair enough. raco pkg install readline-gpl, and all is well.

Just now I wanted to see that warning again, so I raco pkg remove readline-gpl, and start up racket repl, only to be presented with

This doesn't seem quite right. Shouldn't removing the package put things back the way they were?

To reproduce

Warning after raco pkg remove readline-gpl; No readline support after raco pkg remove readline-gpl.

samth commented 9 years ago

cc @LeifAndersen @mflatt

mflatt commented 9 years ago

This is a bug in raco setup, and I've pushed a repair.