racket / scribble

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scribble's 'racket' print-converter fails on '(quote) #184

Open jbclements opened 5 years ago

jbclements commented 5 years ago

Run this program:

#lang scribble/manual


I see this error:

racket/racket/collects/racket/private/kw.rkt:1325:47: cadr: contract violation
  expected: (cons/c any/c pair?)
  given: '(#<just-context>)

I believe this should not cause an error. I can imagine this being an easy fix :)

jbclements commented 3 years ago

Just came across this again. Additionally, run this program:

#lang scribble/manual

@(racket '(quote a oops these are gone))

Render to an html file, see this term rendered as


(that is, quote quote a.) It appears that after seeing a list whose first element is quote and whose second element is a symbol, it just decides it's done.