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aside tag for marginal notes #205

Open shriram opened 5 years ago

shriram commented 5 years ago

Robert Grimm pointed out that HTML has an aside tag, so that might be a more appropriate semantic markup for marginal notes than p.


spdegabrielle commented 4 years ago

Seems to have a good support across browsers https://caniuse.com/#search=aside

shriram commented 4 years ago

I expect using the most apposite tag is especially useful for the visually-impaired, whose screen-readers will take advantage of the tag structure where available.

spdegabrielle commented 4 years ago

Replacing null with (list (alt-tag "aside")) on lines 679 and 688 of scribble/base.rkt does the trick

Works in both scribble/base and scribble/manual - which honestly had me concerned until I tested it because one uses span and the other blockquote.

https://github.com/racket/scribble/blob/13798906ceedfc1473643d06f4f98d4f372e889e/scribble-lib/scribble/base.rkt#L679 https://github.com/racket/scribble/blob/13798906ceedfc1473643d06f4f98d4f372e889e/scribble-lib/scribble/base.rkt#L688

(define (margin-note #:left? [left? #f] . c)
   (make-style (if left? "refparaleft" "refpara")
               '(command never-indents))
     (make-style (if left? "refcolumnleft" "refcolumn")
       (make-style "refcontent" (list (alt-tag "aside")))
       (decode-flow c)))))))

(define (margin-note* #:left? [left? #f] . c)
   (make-style (if left? "refelemleft" "refelem") null)
    (make-style (if left? "refcolumnleft" "refcolumn") null)
     (make-style "refcontent" (list (alt-tag "aside")))
     (decode-content c)))))
spdegabrielle commented 4 years ago

aside cannot be used for margin-note* because the tag cannot be used inline.

it probably could be used in the aside probably could be changed in the stylesheet to have the css attribute display: inline;or maybe inline as <aside style="display: inline;">