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ORCID in acmart generates invalid link #345

Closed wilbowma closed 1 year ago

wilbowma commented 1 year ago
#lang scribble/acmart

#:orcid "0000-0002-6402-4840"
"William J. Bowman"


Generates a PDF with a hyperlink to HTTPS://ORCID.ORG/0000%7B-%7D0002%7B-%7D6402%7B-%7D4840, however, the hyperlink should be to HTTPS://ORCID.ORG/0000-0002-6402-4840. It appears that the dashes are being surrounded with { and } in the generated latex:

\titleAndEmptyVersionAndAuthors{Foo}{}{\SNumberOfAuthors{1}\SAuthor{\SAuthorinfo{William J. Bowman}{\SAuthorOrcid{0000{-}0002{-}6402{-}4840}}{\SAuthorPlace{}}{\SAuthorEmail{}}}}

And these end up incorrectly included in the URL.

wilbowma commented 1 year ago

This can be worked around using exact-chars,

#:orcid (make-element (style #f '(exact-chars)) "0000-0002-6402-4840" )
"William J. Bowman"