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Printing stops at the slide using LaTeX #15

Open jiahao42 opened 6 years ago

jiahao42 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I found that the printing will stop at the slide using the package slideshow-latex. For example, if I use the LaTeX function at slide 7 while I have 10 slides, then slideshow can only print the first 7 slides.

The terminal gives the following info:

James:~ ► slideshow --print my_slideshow.rkt
INFO: latex compile path set to /Users/james/Research/presentation/my_slideshow.rkt-latex/
INFO: generating latex2bitmap-0ae2381338b10fc07d4ac8b7ffd8a97e.png
slideshow: slide program attempted to write to filesystem: #<path:latex2bitmap-0ae2381338b10fc07d4ac8b7ffd8a97e.tex>
   /Applications/Racket v6.11/share/pkgs/slideshow-exe/slideshow/start.rkt:54:28
   /Applications/Racket v6.11/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:373:13: hash-ref!
   /Users/james/Library/Racket/6.11/pkgs/slideshow-latex/slideshow/latex/latex2bitmap.rkt:198:0: latex->bitmap+ascent
   /Applications/Racket v6.11/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:261:28
   /Users/james/Research/presentation/my_slideshow.rkt: [running body]
   /Applications/Racket v6.11/share/pkgs/slideshow-exe/slideshow/start.rkt:50:2: load-content
   /Applications/Racket v6.11/share/pkgs/slideshow-exe/slideshow/start.rkt: [running body]
jiahao42 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I just realize that this issue should be under the repo of slideshow-latex :)

bennn commented 6 years ago

Maybe. I'm not sure this slideshow wouldn't have to change to let slideshow-latex be printable.