rackspace / gophercloud

A Go SDK for OpenStack. IN FEATURE FREEZE. See Issue #592
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[Question] Are admin api calls available? #563

Open stuartbfox opened 8 years ago

stuartbfox commented 8 years ago


I looking at gathering openstack metrics by implementing a telegraf input. To do that I need access to admin api's (service, hypervisor, quotas etc etc). From a very quick look at the code I can't see these calls available. Am I just missing them or are they not available yet?


jrperritt commented 8 years ago

Am I just missing them or are they not available yet?

Not available yet. Can you provide links to the documentation and/or source code for these operations?

stuartbfox commented 8 years ago

Sure thing, I've been working off the API docs here

Nova http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-compute-v2.1.html

jrperritt commented 8 years ago

Well, yes, but specific sections, or, preferably, operations. It'll likely be implemented more quickly if you, say, ask for the "get hypervisor statistics" operation than if you ask for the "hypervisor api". Quota sets are already implemented: https://github.com/rackspace/gophercloud/tree/master/openstack/compute/v2/extensions/quotasets

stuartbfox commented 8 years ago

Ah, I see what you mean. Sorry about hat :) The api's I'm looking at specifically are the host-list, host-describe, limits for nova. There are equivalent limits and usage for the other projects. I thinking ip's per subnet, ports in use and I think there is a port IO stats api but not 100% sure on that. Im sure glance has similar api's as well.

Mostly I want to gather metrics about my running cloud for capacity planning etc