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Load Balancer certificateMappingList error #730

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

I can create a certficate mapping but when I come to view the list of certificate mappings I get a PaginatedIterator object which contains the correct number of CertificateMapping but each one doesn't contain any data.

I first authenticate and then do the following:

$loadbalancer = $client->loadBalancerService( null, 'LON' ); $lb = $loadbalancer->loadBalancer(xxxxxx); $list = $lb->certificateMappingList(); $cert = $list->current(); var_dump( $cert );

Which the var_dump returns:

object(OpenCloud\LoadBalancer\Resource\CertificateMapping)[52] public 'id' => null public 'hostName' => null public 'certificate' => null public 'privateKey' => null public 'intermediateCertificate' => null protected 'createKeys' => array (size=4) 0 => string 'hostName' (length=8) 1 => string 'certificate' (length=11) 2 => string 'privateKey' (length=10) 3 => string 'intermediateCertificate' (length=23)........

DrizzlyOwl commented 5 years ago

Leaving this here for future reference: The initial call to the LoadBalancerService returns incorrectly 'keyed' items in the Iterator.

Workaround using:

// Set up the Service
$service = $client->loadBalancerService(null, 'LON');

// Fetch the LoadBalancer Resource with a specified $id
$lb = $service->loadBalancer($id);

// Fetch a list of Certificate Mappings
$cert_mapping_list = $lb->certificateMappingList();

// Define a new container
$map = [];

// Old school way of looping through the iterator
while ($cert_mapping_list->valid()) {

    // Access the method forcing it to populate
    $ele = $cert_mapping_list->currentElement();

    // Now has access to the property containing the key, authority and cert
    $map[] = $ele->certificateMapping;

    // Continue to next mapping

// Re-assign back to the Resource.
$lb->certificateMappingList = $map;
nickjohnson commented 3 years ago

That was helpful. I was wondering what happened after a recent update. This save me a bunch of time.