Scenario Outline: Create banana with 2 different dates, valid combinations of rateDifference
Given I have a valid "postBananas.json" json body
And I have 2 identical elements of "interestRateChanges"
And I set these elements to:
| "interestRateChanges[0].date" | "2025-06-10" |
| "interestRateChanges[1].date" | "2025-06-15" |
| "interestRateChanges[0].rateDifference" | <value0> |
| "interestRateChanges[1].rateDifference" | <value1> |
When a POST is performed on the endpoint "bananas"
Then the response code is "201"
And I get the created banana ID
And I perform a GET on bananas endpoint with the created banana ID
And the response code is "200"
And the response body has these elements:
| "interestRateChanges[0].date" | "2025-06-10" |
| "interestRateChanges[1].date" | "2025-06-15" |
| "interestRateChanges[0].rateDifference" | <value0> |
| "interestRateChanges[1].rateDifference" | <value1> |
| value0 | value1 |
| 492.0 | -0.01 |
| -0.01 | -0.012 |
gives the error message "Remove the following unused variables: value0, value1" even though the two variables are indeed used inside other tables.
This gherkin code
gives the error message "Remove the following unused variables: value0, value1" even though the two variables are indeed used inside other tables.