Once the base features of RTF have been fully implemented perhaps the current world gen can be revamped.
A couple of years ago I was trying to fetch as much information as possible about the climate, landforms and everything that makes our world. I wanted to code this all into Minecraft, but never came to it. Maybe something in here can be of use?
Once the base features of RTF have been fully implemented perhaps the current world gen can be revamped. A couple of years ago I was trying to fetch as much information as possible about the climate, landforms and everything that makes our world. I wanted to code this all into Minecraft, but never came to it. Maybe something in here can be of use?
https://trello.com/b/RfOzANHd/climate-zones-landforms https://trello.com/b/LYOt5GHj/theoretical-world-gen