ractivejs / ractivejs.github.io

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Makeup #100

Closed ceremcem closed 7 years ago

ceremcem commented 7 years ago

Attempt to make ractive.js.org more readable:





fskreuz commented 7 years ago

Yeah, the grey bg was supposed to prevent excessive contrast against dark text but I guess it has its drawbacks.

Feel free to play with the colors as long as the green stays, and the docs remain plain and clean. I do have an aversion to shadows tho (and all things 3D-ish). 😁 For the inline code blocks, consider a darker grey bg and maroon for color similar to the full code blocks for consistency.

Btw, you can push to the same branch. Github will append new commits to existing PRs for that branch. 😉

ceremcem commented 7 years ago

Hmm. I'm opening a new branch if I'm not sure if the PR will be accepted or not, thus preventing a cherry-pick operation.

ceremcem commented 7 years ago
