radar / guides

Guides for Ruby and Elixir and whatever else I feel like
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Minor markdown copy edits #46

Closed dpritchett closed 10 years ago

dpritchett commented 10 years ago

Still reading through the guide, but I wanted to offer a few tiny markdown tweaks as I went. Thanks for writing this!

radar commented 10 years ago

Thanks @dpritchett :)

dpritchett commented 10 years ago


I'm reading through https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/tree/gh-pages/architecture-examples/emberjs today (TodoMVC) in hopes of getting some idiomatic Ember examples. Still flabbergasted at the lack of an obvious starting point for building a simple app. The API seems consistent, it's just written in an idiom that I don't yet speak. I guess there's always Discourse...