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Gem development and Spring! #66

Open jasoncox opened 10 years ago

jasoncox commented 10 years ago

It might help someone out to make a note about spring.

If you are developing a gem for Rails 4 with Spring its very easy to get caught out by changes not making their way into your application. Spring does not watch changes to gems and therefore does not reload the Rails stack. A bundle update 'your-gem' will not work, you will need to $ spring stop to force it to reload the full Rails app next time you run rails.

Hope this helps someone!

jasoncox commented 10 years ago

I can add some notes to gem-development.md and open a pr if you like?

radar commented 10 years ago

Hi @jasoncox,

This guide was written a long time ago. I'd love a PR to update it to a more modern standard if you'd like to submit one.