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Set analysis tree in radare2 in a vim like philosophy. #351

Open gogo2464 opened 1 year ago

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago


Using emulicious we can debug a game boy rom and see all subfolder and files from debug information. In radare2 we currently can only see debugs infos in a single file in r2.

If you want to see how to test emulicious, fell free to download a file with all debug symbols:

on debian:

sudo apt install cmake make gcc git -y;
sudo apt install pkg-config libpng-tools libpng-dev bison -y;

git clone https://github.com/radareorg/radare2;
sh ./radare2/sys/install.sh;

git clone https://github.com/gbdev/rgbds;
cmake -S . -B rgbds/build/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release rgbds/;
cmake --build rgbds/build;
sudo cmake --install rgbds/build;
sudo make install -C rgbds;

git clone https://github.com/pret/pokered;
make -C pokered/;

git clone https://github.com/MrCheeze/pokered-self-replicator;
mv pokered-self-replicator/sav.dat pokered/pokered.sav;

wget https://bgb.bircd.org/bgbw64.zip;
mkdir bgb;
unzip bgbw64.zip -d bgb;

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo wget -nc -O /usr/share/keyrings/winehq-archive.key https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key
sudo wget -nc -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/bullseye/winehq-bullseye.sources
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --yes --install-recommends winehq-devel 

wine64 $(pwd)/bgb/bgb64.exe $(pwd)/pokered/pokered.gbc;

then download emulicious : http://emulicious.net/downloads/

file -> open file then tools -> debugger

and you will see that the difference is huge!!!

See poke-disass

trufae commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a screenshot or some explanations about your proposal? I cant barely understand your explanation.

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago

Yes sure I just updated my post.

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago

@trufae I was referiing to the files in the left pane

trufae commented 1 year ago

yes i understand, but what information would you put in that tree and how that will be browsable from visual/shell/webui/qt? i mean the data is there, but im struggling to find why is that better than plain lists, to follow references that can create infinite loops so you cant circle back without a memory explosion there.

you have a tree-like view of classes->methods and functions->variables in visual (Vv), which can be always improved to show the child nodes as in a tree..

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago

It is better because we can know where to jum to a sepecific reference like code source folders

trufae commented 1 year ago

But which data do you want to put in that tree?

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago

I doubt. I hesitate between put reference to single blop or if I would like to split the signle file in several folders with the left pane.

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago

"and how that will be browsable from visual/shell/webui/qt?"

Good question:

But basically yes... I have a big big idea with no implementation details.

trufae commented 1 year ago

but what's the info you want? function -> calls? this is already in aflm, having it in visual should be easy, as it can be already used via ~.. or ~...

i dont understand what rasm have to do here, or what do you mean by tags in the webui for example. if you have a big idea, but you dont know how to express it, code it, please elaborate it,make a proper proposal or show an example of what you want, because from the view in the screenshot i see sources+ functions, but in r2 you dont have the concept of "source files" unless yo uhave source-lines information via dwarf/etc.. i can quickly implement whatever i think you want here, it doesnt seems much complex, but i dont understand your idea

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago

It is not more info. It is just a way to access them by file.

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago

I just want to split code in various files like in source code ide. Only possible when the debug infos are available.

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago

Yes i want to add sources files.we might add it from the analysis plugin. It remains an idea.

trufae commented 1 year ago

Got it. I will think a bit about the idea. Seems interesting as it puts compile units to the top level and maybe handy to maybe have multiple columns with different open entries. And this kind of works in panels with aflm but a subcommand like aflms for source files as top level and an argument that picks a comma separated list of entries opened. This way it will work from the shell too

gogo2464 commented 1 year ago

Yes. seems a good idea for at least: